Tuesday, 25 November 2008

The Boofhead Guide to Bling

'nuff said.


Stew Magoo said...


Dermott, you'll be pleased to know that Zoe has embraced her honorary "boofhead" status. Other than the fact that her little hair bows have a lifespan of circa fifteen minutes (before they're GONE) she's become quite accomplished at focusing on all things boof.

Oh and are you really as big as you look in that photo? Because your head is bigger than the human's. Sans boof even!

Dermott said...

Ah well, y'see, Boof and OES go together like love and marriage, pastrami and rye, toxic debt and fiscal ruin.

I have a lot of trouble keeping in place the things that tie up my hair, too. I eat them.

I have a naturally big boofy head. Accentuated when I've just been to schmooze with Paola the groomer, as I had been just prior to Lorenzo - my neighbour - waving the bling wand over me in the photo. Paola and a teasing-comb go together like Madonna and Guy. Pre-divorce.

Oh, and I'm keeping a paternal eye on the Moose. Seems he has cat problems. I'm going to send him my cat recipe book.

Anonymous said...

Dermott, dahling! I was getting worried you'd faded away, but I see you are still resoundingly physical. Very handsome in the shades as well, and they certainly are,,,, big.

Dermott said...

Meh. I don't deal in anything other than big. If you get my drift ...

Anonymous said...

Dermott, thy name is Vanity...

(Our Provider thinks you're not bad looking.)

Dermott said...

Your Provider is a mighty fine judge.

As are you three, even if, as I suspect, you're all the dreaded three-letter C word. I'm actually thinking of changing my name to Vanity Fair. So I can jump into bed at night and have a read of myself before I nod off.

Robyn Sinclair said...

Now I suppose you are going to start hanging out at the bar.

Dermott said...

You could join me if you didn't lounge in bed with your laptop till 10am every morning.

Robyn Sinclair said...

That's easy for you to say - you have a fur coat!

Quilt knit said...

Dermott! Glad you are reading your Shakespeare. I just saw a new edition over here in the U.S.A. I am going to pick it up in several days. Saving a couple of bucks by having the store call me. So sorry about the loss of all those great delicacies to enjoy. Over here we tend to knock at the door. Lots of time get to lay by the fire. I do hope your indoor cook is acceptable.
Glad to see the new entry. Let me know if you find that Prince Book story any good. I have a comic book which is about a Denmark Prince. Wonder if it is by the same author. I will check.

((( Circle of Boofy Hugs )))

Ms Patches the Cat, PS I agree those laptops have to go.

Quilt knit said...

Dermott! I forgot to ask, "Are you ever allowed real food?" Like, Turkey? It is cold here too! We just had the one week Turkey Feast! Comes every year.

((( Circle of Boofy Hugs)))

Ms Patches